Research Data Scientist

Dr. Taghi Khoshgoftaar is the Motorola Endowed Chair professor of the Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Florida Atlantic University (FAU) and the director of NSF Big Data Training and Research Laboratory. His research interests are in big data analytics, data mining, machine learning, health informatics and bioinformatics, social network mining, security analytics, and software engineering on which he has published more than 750 refereed journal and conference papers.

On several occasions, Dr. Khoshgoftaar has served as the conference chair of the IEEE Big Data Service and the IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications and has served as the primary conference organizer of numerous other international conferences, symposia, and workshops. Further, he has been a Keynote Speaker at multiple international conferences and has given many invited talks at various venues.

He is the Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Big Data and has served on the editorial boards of many journals such as Multimedia Tools and Applications, Knowledge and Information Systems, Empirical Software Engineering, Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Software Quality, and Social Network Analysis and Mining.

As the Research Data Scientist, he leads and advises the data engineering team on predictive analytics, data science, and machine learning innovation techniques. Dr. Khoshgoftaar holds a Ph.D. in Statistical Computing from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and has earned M.S. degrees in Applied Mathematics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Computer Science from North Carolina State University.